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PRAMS Query Module Query Measure Selection


PRAMS is a surveillance system supported through a cooperative agreement with the New Mexico Department of Health Maternal Child Health Epidemiology Program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For more data or information about PRAMS, please contact Eirian Coronado at 505-476-8895 or email

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  • Basic Counts and RatesJump to Default
    Query Result
    Customize Your
    Query First
    Insurance Before Pregnancy - Select one response and stratify
    Derived from the following question: Just before you got pregnant, did you have health insurance? (Do not count Medicaid.)
    Insurance Before Pregnancy - Percentage distribution of responses
    Derived from the following question: Just before you got pregnant, did you have health insurance? (Do not count Medicaid.)
    Prenatal Care Payer Type - Select one response and stratify
    Derived from the following question: How was your prenatal care paid for?
    Prenatal Care Payer Type - Percentage distribution of responses
    Derived from the following question: How was your prenatal care paid for?
    Health Insurance Now (at time of survey, 2012-forward) - Select one response and stratify
    Derived from the following question: What kind of health insurance do you have now?
    Health Insurance Now (at time of survey, 2012-forward) - Percentage distribution of responses
    Derived from the following question: What kind of health insurance do you have now?

  • Basic Counts and RatesJump to Default
    Query Result
    Customize Your
    Query First
    Pregnancy Intended/Unintended (2009-2011)
    Thinking back to just before you got pregnant, how did you feel about becoming pregnant? (check one answer). I wanted to be pregnant sooner. I wanted to be pregnant later. I wanted to be pregnant then. I didn't want to be pregnant then or at any time in the future.
    Pregnancy Intended/Unintended (2012-forward)Select one response and stratify
    Thinking back to just before you got pregnant, how did you feel about becoming pregnant? (check one answer). I wanted to be pregnant sooner. I wanted to be pregnant later. I wanted to be pregnant then. I didn't want to be pregnant then or at any time in the future. I wasn't sure what I wanted (added beginning with 2012)
    Pregnancy Intended/Unintended (2012-forward) Percentage distribution of responses
    Thinking back to just before you got pregnant, how did you feel about becoming pregnant? (check one answer). I wanted to be pregnant sooner. I wanted to be pregnant later. I wanted to be pregnant then. I didn't want to be pregnant then or at any time in the future. I wasn't sure what I wanted (added beginning with 2012)
    Using Birth Control at Conception
    When you got pregnant with your new baby, were you or your husband or partner doing anything to keep from getting pregnant? (Some things people do to keep from getting pregnant include not having sex at certain times [rhythm, and using birth control methods such as the pill, Norplant, shots[Depo-Provera], condoms, diaphragm, foam, IUD, having their tubes tied, or their partner having a vasectomy.)
    Took Multivitamin Before Pregnancy - Select one response and stratify
    In the month before you got pregnant with your new baby, how many times a week did you take a multivitamin (a pill that contains many different vitamins and minerals)?
    Took Multivitamin Before Pregnancy - Percentage distribution of responses
    In the month before you got pregnant with your new baby, how many times a week did you take a multivitamin (a pill that contains many different vitamins and minerals)?
    Dr. Diagnosis of Diabetes Prior to Pregnancy (2009-2015)
    Before you got pregnant with your new baby, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker tell you that you had Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (NOT the same as gestational diabetes or diabetes that starts during pregnancy)
    Dr. Diagnosis of Diabetes Prior to Pregnancy (2016 - forward)
    During the 3 months before you got pregnant with your new baby, did you have any of the following health conditions? Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (not gestational diabetes or diabetes that starts during pregnancy)
    Smoked in 3 months Before Pregnancy
    In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day? (A pack has 20 cigarettes.)
    Drank in 3 Months Before Pregnancy
    Derived from the following question: During the three months before you got pregnant, how many alcoholic drinks did you have in an average week?
    Experienced Physical Abuse Before Pregnancy
    During the 12 months before you got pregnant with your new baby, did your husband or partner push, hit, slap, kick, choke or physcially hurt you in any other way? During the 12 months before you got pregnant, did anyone else physcially hurt you in any way?

  • Basic Counts and RatesJump to Default
    Query Result
    Customize Your
    Query First
    Source of Prenatal Care - Select one response and stratify
    Where did you go most of the time for your prenatal visits? (Do not include visits for WIC)
    Source of Prenatal Care - Distribution of responses
    Where did you go most of the time for your prenatal visits? (Do not include visits for WIC)
    Received Prenatal Care as Early as Wanted (2009-2011, 2016 - forward)
    Did you get prenatal care as early in your pregnancy as you wanted?
    WIC During Pregnancy
    During your pregnancy, were you on WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children)?
    Gestational Diabetes this Pregnancy (2009-2015)
    During your most recent pregnancy, were you told by a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker that you had gestational diabetes (diabetes that started during this pregnancy)?
    Gestational Diabetes this Pregnancy (2016 - forward)
    During your most recent pregnancy, did you have any of the following health conditions? Gestational diabetes (diabetes that started during this pregnancy)
    HIV Test During Pregnancy
    At any time during your most recent pregnancy or delivery, did you have a test for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)?
    Experienced Physical Abuse During Pregnancy
    During your most recent pregnancy, did your husband or partner push, hit, slap, kick, choke or physically hurt you in any other way? During your most recent pregnancy, did anyone else physically hurt you in any way?
    Smoked During Last 3 Months of Pregnancy
    Derived from the following question: In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day? (A pack has 20 cigarettes.)
    Drank During Last 3 Months of Pregnancy (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: During the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many alcoholic drinks did you have in an average week?
    Emotional Stress in Year Before Delivery (2009-2015)
    Emotional stress during pregnancy is defined as an answer of "yes" to one of more of the following statements about things that may have happened during the 12 months before the baby's delivery.[[br]] "A close family member was very sick and had to go into the hospital," "I was apart from my husband or partner due to military deployment or extended work-related travel," or "Someone very close to me died."
    Financial Stress in Year Before Delivery (2009-2015)
    Financial stress during pregnancy is defined as an answer of "yes" to one of more of the following statements about things that may have happened during the 12 months before the baby's delivery.[[br]] "I moved to a new address," "My husband or partner lost his job," "I lost my job even though I wanted to go on working," "My husband, partner, of I had a cut in work hours or pay," "I had problems paying the rent, mortgage, or other bills."
    Partner Stress in Year Before Delivery (2009-2015)
    Partner stress during pregnancy is defined as an answer of "yes" to one of more of the following statements about things that may have happened during the 12 months before the baby's delivery.[[br]] "I got separated or divorced from my husband or partner," "I argued with my husband or partner more than usual ," "My husband or partner said he didn't want me to be pregnant."
    Traumatic Stress in Year Before Delivery (2009-2015)
    Traumatic stress during pregnancy is defined as an answer of "yes" to one of more of the following statements about things that may have happened during the 12 months before the baby's delivery.[[br]] "I was homeless or had to sleep outside, in a car, or in a shelter," "My husband, partner, or I went to jail," "Someone very close to me had a problem with drinking or drugs."
    Number of Stressors in Year Before Delivery (2009-2015)
    Composite variable for stress during pregnancy:[[br]] This question is about things that may have happened during the 12 months before your new baby was born. -Based on a set of questions about 14 stressful events (for lists of individual stressors, please see the queries on emotional, financial, partner, and traumatic stress during pregnancy).

  • After DeliveryJump to Default
    Query Result
    Customize Your
    Query First
    Postpartum Birth Control-Using Now
    Are you or your husband or partner using any kind of birth control now?
    Smoke Now
    Derived from the following question: How many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes do you smoke on an average day now?
    Postpartum Depression (2012-forward)
    Postpartum depression is defined as an answer of "always" or "often" to either of these questions: [[br]] Since your new baby was born how often have you felt depressed or hopeless? and Since your new baby was born, how often have you had little interest or little pleasure in doing things?
    After Delivery, I Took Paid Leave from My Job (2012-forward)
    Which of the following describes the leave or time you took off from work after your new baby was born?[[br]] -I took paid leave from my job[[br]] Question was asked of women who worked at a job for pay during their pregnancy and returned to work after their baby was born.
    After Delivery, I Took Unpaid Leave from My Job (2012-forward)
    Which of the following describes the leave or time you took off from work after your new baby was born?[[br]] -I took unpaid leave from my job[[br]] Question was asked of women who worked at a job for pay during their pregnancy and returned to work after their baby was born.
    After Delivery, I Did Not Take Leave (2012-forward)
    Which of the following describes the leave or time you took off from work after your new baby was born? [[br]] -I did not take leave [[br]] Question was asked of women who worked at a job for pay during their pregnancy and returned to work after their baby was born.

  • Basic Counts and RatesJump to Default
    Query Result
    Customize Your
    Query First
    Infant in ICU at Birth
    After your baby was born, was he or she put in an intensive care unit?
    Number of Nights Infant in Hospital - Select one response and stratify
    Derived from the following question: After your baby was born, how long did he or she stay in the hospital?
    Number of Nights Infant in Hospital - Percentage distribution of responses
    Derived from the following question: After your baby was born, how long did he or she stay in the hospital?
    Breastfeeding - Ever Breastfed
    Did you ever breastfeed or pump breast milk to feed your new baby after delivery?
    Breastfeeding - Still Breastfeeding
    Are you still breastfeeding or feeding pumped milk to your new baby?
    Breastfeeding - Breastfed in First Hour of Birth (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "I breastfed in the first hour after my baby was born"
    Breastfeeding - Baby Stayed in My Hospital Room (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "My baby stayed in the same room with me at the hospital"
    Breastfeeding - Baby Fed Only Breastmilk in Hospital (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "My baby was fed only breast milk at the hospital"
    Breastfeeding - Hospital Gave Me Breast Pump (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "The hospital gave me a breast pump to use"
    Breastfeeding - Breastfed Baby in Hospital (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "My baby stayed in the same room with me at the hospital"
    Breastfeeding - Was Told to Breastfeed on Demand (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "Hospital staff told me to breastfeed whenever my baby wanted"
    Breastfeeding - Gift Pack with Formula (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "The hospital gave me a gift pack with formula"
    Breastfeeding - Hospital Provided Number to Call for Help with Breastfeeding (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "The hospital gave me a telephone number to call for help with breastfeeding"
    Breastfeeding - Hospital Gave Baby a Pacifier (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "The hospital staff gave my baby a pacifier"
    Breastfeeding - Hospital Gave Me Information about Breastfeeding (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "Hospital staff gave me information about breastfeeding"
    Breastfeeding - Hospital Staff Helped Me Learn How to Breastfeed (2012-forward)
    This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born. "Hospital staff helped me learn how to breastfeed"
    Infant Sleep Position - Select one response and stratify
    Derived from the following question: How do you most often lay your baby down to sleep now?
    Infant Sleep Position - Percentage distribution of responses
    Derived from the following question: How do you most often lay your baby down to sleep now?
    Baby Sleeps Alone? Baby Sleeps with Mom or Another Person (2012-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps with me or another person."
    Baby Sleeps Alone? Baby Sleeps Alone (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: In the past 2 weeks, how often has your new baby slept alone in his or her own crib or bed?
    Baby Sleeps in Crib (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps in a crib or portable crib."
    Baby Sleeps in Crib (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "In a crib, bassinet, or pack and play"
    Baby Sleeps on Mattress (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps on mattress."
    Baby Sleeps on Mattress (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "On a twin or larger mattress or bed"
    Baby Sleeps with Blankets (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps with blankets."
    Baby Sleeps with Blankets (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "With a blanket"
    Baby Sleeps with Bumper Pads
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps with bumper pads."
    Baby Sleeps with Pillows (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps with pillows."
    Baby Sleeps with Toys (2009-2015)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some things that describe how your new baby usually sleeps. For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "My new baby sleeps with toys."
    Baby Sleeps with Toys, Cushions or Pillows (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "With toys, cushions, or pillows, including nursing pillows"
    Baby Sleeps on a Couch, Sofa, or Armchair (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "On a couch, sofa, or armchair"
    Baby Sleeps in an Infant Car Seat or Swing (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "In an infant car seat or swing"
    Baby Sleeps in a Sleeping Sack or Wearable Blanket (2016 - forward)
    Derived from the following question: Listed below are some more things about how babies sleep. How did your new baby usually sleep in the past 2 weeks? For each item, check No if it doesn't usually apply to your baby or Yes if it usually applies to your baby. "In a sleeping sack or wearable blanket"